Monday, September 12, 2016

Hello to all!  I am Megan Marino.  I am a hopeful MEDTL student who currently teaches middle school French in Saranac, NY.  I live in Morrisonville (just outside of Plattsburgh) and love my community.  This degree will be the last stop for me on my long and tedious journey to professional certification.  I have just started my 17th year as a teacher, which astounds me when I stop to think about it. Time really flies!  I am married to wonderful man, who is also a teacher (but of Physics, Chemistry and Forensics) and am a mother to three amazing children, two daughters ages 9 and 7 and a son who is 4.  They are my motivation for finishing this degree and continuing to be a lifelong learner.  When I am not teaching French, I really enjoy doing yard work, reading, sewing and crafting. I am looking forward to using what I learn and do in this class in my own classroom.


  1. Hi Megan! I lived in Plattsburgh for about six years. I also got my undergrad at Plattsburgh State. I teach and live in Malone. It is nice to know someone who is from my neck of the woods! :)

    1. I very much agree! I have found in past online courses that most people do not know where we are located, so I am very excited to know that I have a classmate so close!
